Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Acts of Service!

It's my heart's desire for the girls to have a heart to serve others and meet their needs when they see one and can. I have really prayed about this and want to be a good example for them in doing this. So, I decided they are never to young to start serving others. I asked a couple of friends if they wanted to join us in doing "Acts of Service". We have and are going to be making goodies to take to widows, widowers, firemen, policemen, our church workers, teachers, etc.

This was our first "Acts of Service" we did.  We made cookies for an elder widower in our church. They kids all helped make the cookies by taking turn adding ingredients. We did make sure they washed and didn't lick their fingers!

Here are the kiddos that helped...
Hudson (2), Zoe (2), Hayley (2), Hannah (2), Scout (4) & Sarah Beth (5 Months)
By looking at the ages you can tell why it took more than one shot to get a good picture.

Then, we delivered the cookies to Mr. Walker and he LOVED the company and they cookies. We stayed and visited for awhile then, we had to get back for lunch and nap.

Again, it took a few shots...

I can't wait to serve more and to see the girls have a heart for others!

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