Monday, January 23, 2012

10 Month's Old & 1st ER Visit!

Sarah Beth turned 10 Month's on January 22. This will also be a day I will never forget! I'll get to that in a minute.


Talking up a storm
Eating everything in sight
Sleeping REALLY good
Only one nap a day (3-4 hours)

Here is my beautiful baby girl at around 8:00pm...
And here she is around 10:00pm in the ER! 

She looks happy as a lark (whatever that is) but this poor baby got bit in the face by our dog. Now, before you get all hyped up thinking we should not have dogs, get rid of him, etc, let me explain. Roscoe was sleeping and with SB being a new walker, she stepped and fell on his tail. He reacted (as any of us would if someone fell on us) and bit her by accident. He was VERY remorseful. He did have to go in "lock down" for 10 days under a vet's supervision (thank goodness for Crystal, she's a vet and watched him for us). And, 3 hours later after getting to the ER, she was cleaned up, stitched up and OUT! 
I was madder at the hospital than at the dog I think. They tied her down while they stitched her up which was fine, I understand that. But, when the doctor realized it was going to take MUCH longer than expected they should have given her something! She laid there and SCREAMMMED for 45 min while he cleaned and stitched her little cheek (her eye didn't need stitches because of where it was). I was HOT! Anyway, thank you Jesus that it wasn't more serious and that she will be fine in a few days. She will be on strong antibiotics for 10 days to make sure she doesn't get an infection!


This is what she looked like this morning (1/23/12).

And, at lunchtime... 

She NEVER stops smiling! LOVE this little girl SO much!
And yes, I said FIRST ER VISIT! Anyone that knows Sarah Beth knows she is ROUGH and I'm sure will be in the ER again.

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