Thursday, October 21, 2010


Well, the Cossey family is once again a "football coaching" family!!  The WHOLE reason we moved to Louisiana is for Cecil Ray to coach again and Monday/Friday nights are what we look forward to.  I won't post EVERY game (that would be like 20+ games) but I will be posting good pictures I get of the girls during their first football season.  This should be a fun season with twin 14 month olds...SMILE!!  But, I am SO thankful that Mima came to help the first couple of games!

First Freshman game...
QB Brandon.  He LOVES the twins... 
First Varsity Game...
First, family football picture! 
I had their shirts made.  The front has the school logo with "Parkway Football" on it and the back reads "You call him coach, We call him Daddy."  They turned out so cute!

Most Friday night consisted of a "tailgate party" (just the girls and me) with Chick-fil-A and then a night in the stroller being pushed around and watching the game.  It's amazing how little handicap accessible places there are in a stadium.  And, don't even get me started on the lack of changing tables!
Daddy coaching... 
This is pretty much what the scoreboard looked like all season for varsity and ahead! 
Daddy and his girls... 
At Parkway, homecoming is a MAJOR event.  They have this HUGE parade and it is so much fun.  Here is daddy throwing the girls some candy... 
Daddy doing his thing... 
Daddy and his girls again...
Family shot (I'm looking pregnant now)... 
I have met a super fun coach's wife and family who have helped me SO much at the games.  Michelle and her daughter Lexie love the girls and they will help with them so  the girls can get out of their stroller once in a while.  Here they are being big girls sitting in the bleachers... 
I have a MILLION more football pictures since that is our life right now but I will post again about football later in the season.

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